Friday, July 6, 2018


Use Liquid glycerin as a skin moisturizer when you don't wish to use oil. This is particularly helpful when you want to scrub nose crevices, without introducing oil to the face.

Liquid Glycerin is a by-product of soap making, and can be found at health food stores. Its also readily available on the internet as well. Do a patch test to be certain you can tolerate the glycerin, if you find you have sensitivities. In addition, consider substituting all honey. It never spoils, and makes a good long-term scrub which may be stored.

Ingredients :
1 cup fine loose salt or loose sugar
3 teaspoons liquid glycerin
1 teaspoon pure honey
3-5 drops of your favorite essential oil
Optional: Pinch of lavender blossoms (available in the bulk department of good health food stores), or chamomile, or dried herbs of your choice, chopped exceedingly fine.

Mix ingredients well and store in an airtight container.
Add more liquid ingredients if you prefer a thinner end-product.
Stir thoroughly before use.
This keeps very well, and in fact, the honey acts as preservative.
Use small amounts when scrubbing the nose, being careful not to irritate or get it in the eyes.
Scrub elbows, hands, knees, and feet. Rinse in warm water, pat dry, and apply your favorite lotion afterwards

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Easy Home Made Face Packs For Summer

Be your own kind of beautiful with beauty ingredients right from the kitchen. Check out these simple home face packs to look beautiful this summer.

1. Honey with Lemon Face Pack:

Acnes and pimples tend to increase during summer. This face pack is best for acne prone skin, age and sun spots.

Things you need:

1/2 Lemon
2 tbsp of Honey


Squeeze 1/2 a lemon into a bowl. Add 2 tbsp of honey. Mix and apply it all over a clean face.Leave on for 15-20 min and rinse off.

2. Chickpea Flour with Curd Face Pack:

Use this face pack to remove sun tan and tighten the skin. Curd provides cooling effect to the skin.

Things you need:

2 spoonful of Chickpea Flour
Curd as required


Mix both the ingredients to form a smooth paste. Apply equally with fingertips on face and neck.Leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse off with cold water.

3. Mint Pack:

Try this face pack to get cleansing, soothing and cooling effect for the skin.

Things you need:

Few Fresh Mint Leaves
Pinch of Turmeric Powder


Grind the mint leaves into fine paste. Add Turmeric powder to this and mix well. Apply this pack on the face. Leave for 15 minutes and wash off with cold water.

4. Egg Mask:

This pack is used to tighten the skin and get a smooth and oil free skin.

Things you need:
1 Egg white
1 tbsp Lemon Juice


Beat the egg white with lemon juice. Apply this paste on face and leave for 20 mins. Wash off with warm water.

5. Banana Face Pack:

Make this face pack at home to moisturize dry skin and get a glowing effect.

Things you need:

1/2 ripe Banana
1/2 cup Plain Yogurt
1 tbsp of Honey


Mash the banana.Combine this with yogurt and honey.Apply this pack on face and neck and leave for 10 minutes.Rinse with cold water.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

DIY : Hand Cream Recipes at Home

Like our face, our hands function as bridges to the world. Hands are often the first place to show the signs of ageing. The skin ages faster on the hands because they are exposed daily to chemicals, smoke and, most importantly, UV radiation. By giving proper care, we can make our hands look soft and beautiful. Check out a few hand cream recipes that you can do at home for good looking beautiful hands.

1. Nourishing Hand and Body Cream

1/4 cup coconut
1/8 cup shea butter
1/8 cup cocoa butter
1 Tbsp aloe vera juice
1 Tbsp liquid oil of choice (like sweet almond, jojoba, etc.)
5-10 drops essential oils (optional)


Heat the shea butter, coconut oil, and cocoa butter over low heat until melted. Remove from heat. Add the aloe vera juice, liquid oil, and essential oils and stir to combine well.Store in container of your choice.

2. Brown Sugar Hand Softener 


1/4 cup course brown sugar
Baby oil to make into a paste

Mix together the above ingredients.Using a hand washing motion apply the mixture to the hands.Continue the washing motion for a minute then rinse off with warm water and pat dry.

3. Orange Hand Lotion :


1/2 oz Cocoa Butter, melted
1 oz Olive Oil, warmed
1 oz Orange Juice
2 drops essential oil (Orange Flower if possible)


Mix all ingredients together in blender until light and fluffy. This lotion need not be refrigerated, but should be used as soon as possible. It may separate, but can be beaten together again.
Most homemade lotions should be refrigerated and used up as soon as possible (within a week) because they do not have preservatives and bacteria can grow in them.

4. Cream of Oats Hand Lotion:

1/2 cup juice of sour almonds
1-1/2 cup of water soaked oat flour
1-1/2 cup of baking soda
1/2 cup of white wax


Mix very well all of the above ingredients to make the cream. This can be kept in a plastic or glass container to be used daily.

5. Coffee-licious Hand Cream Recipe

4 Tbsp. Beeswax
2 Tbsp. Coffee Bean Butter butter
2 Tbsp. Roasted Coffee Oil
6 Tbsp. Jojoba Oil


Melt together wax and butter. Add oil. Mix completely until smooth. Pour into jar. Let it harden. Coffee oil is rich in phytosterols which promote excellent moisture retention, quick penetration and is a powerful antioxidant.

6.Lemon Honey Hand Cream Recipe


3 tbsp beeswax
1 tbsp liquid lanolin
1/2 cup light sesame oil
1 tbsp. coconut oil
1 teaspoon honey
15 drops lemon essential oil

Melt together all ingredients except for essential oils, on low heat double boiler. Mix completely until smooth. Add Essential Oil. Pour into jar. Let harden.Apply regularly for smooth hands.

7. Egg yolk & Glycerin Hand Cream Recipe:

1 egg yolk
3 tbsp glycerin
3 tbsp lemon juice

Mix all the above ingredients in a small saucepan. Cook over low heat until thickened. Do not boil. Cool and place in a jar. Use regularly as hand lotion and skin softener.

8. Glycerin & Rosewater Hand Lotion Recipe:

1 cup glycerin
1 cup rosewater
10 drops (or about 1/8 teaspoon) essential oil fragrance, such as lavender (Optional)
1/4 teaspoon (or more) vitamin E oil (Optional)


Put all ingredients into glass or plastic bottles. Portion out the ingredients according to the ounce capacity of the bottles you are using. Shake well until all ingredients are completely combined. If using scent, shake well several times a day for 2-3 days before giving or using. If using a fragrance, pick one that smells good combined with roses because of the rosewater.

9. Coconut Oil Hand Lotion Recipe:


1/2 cup almond or olive
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup beeswax
Optional: 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
Optional: 2 tablespoons Shea Butter or Cocoa Butter
Optional: Essential Oils, Vanilla Extract or other natural extracts to suit your preference


Combine ingredients in a pint sized or larger glass jar.Fill a medium saucepan with a couple inches of water and place over medium heat.As the water heats, the ingredients in the jar will start to melt. Shake or stir occasionally to incorporate. When all ingredients are completely melted, pour into whatever jar or tin you will use for storage. Use as as regular lotion for pretty hands.

Monday, June 25, 2018

DIY Easy Foot Scrubs at Home

Foots are the foundation that we stand on which keeps us moving in our daily life.But many of us neglect to give good care to our feet. Moisturizing the foot is important but you need to start off with exfoliation. Here are few easy effective foot scrub that you can try yourselves at home.

Citrus Foot Scrub :

Juice from one lemon or lime
1/2 cup raw sugar
1 tablespoon coconut oil

Mix together and apply to feet in a circular motion until sugar starts to dissolve.

Rosemary and Peppermint Foot Scrub:

1/4 cup Kosher salt
1 tbsp table salt
1 tsp coconut oil
2 tbsp olive oil
3 drops peppermint oil
1/2 tsp rosemary

Mix together and apply to feet in a circular motion until salt starts to dissolve.If the mixture is too dry, add a bit more oil. If it's too wet, add more salt.

Salty Honey Foot Scrub :

3 tablespoons honey
1/2 cup sea salt
1 tablespoon almond or olive oil

Mix together and apply to feet in a circular motion until salt starts to dissolve.

Coconut Salt Foot Scrub:

1 cup salt
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup vitamin oil

Mix together and apply to feet in a circular motion until salt starts to dissolve. If you are only using one oil mix 1/2 cup Oil with 1 cup Salt. Then add 3-4 drops of Essential Oil for fragrance and stir it up.This also works great as a Shower Body Scrub too.

Rich Coffee Foot Scrub :

1 cup of coffee grounds
1/4 cup raw sugar or sea salt
1 tablespoon coconut oil

Mix together and apply to feet in a circular motion until salt or sugar starts to dissolve.

Brown Sugar Foot Scrub:

1 tablespoon of brown sugar,
1 tablespoon of baking soda
1 tablespoon of olive oil.

Mix together and apply to feet in a circular motion until sugar starts to dissolve.

Lavender Foot Scrub:

1 Cup fine Sea Salt or Epsom salt
1/2 Cup Oil (grape seed, sweet almond or olive)
8 drops Lavender Essential Oil
2 tablespoon dried Lavender Buds

Measure salt and lavender buds into a clean bowl. Add 1/4 cup of oil and stir until it is distributed evenly. If it seems to dry, add another tablespoon of oil. Continue adding oil until you are happy with the consistency Add essential oil. Stir well and apply on foot in circular motion.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Home Remedy for Dry & Cracked Cuticles

There are hundreds and thousands tips to deal with bad and cracked cuticles, we just need to see which one is good for us, cause things response differently from body to body and if one thing is good for other that might not work for us as so we just need to see which one will work for us. There is always something that can work for you and if you prepare yourself that you just use natural things then you will get natural remedies for almost everything.

Shea Butter: 

Without any doubt, Shea Butter is one of the most famous and best natural butter we have at the moment, basically it is a butter that we get from a African nut and it is full with benefits and useful vitamins. It has been used to fix cracked and damaged cuticles for ages, old wives has been use this even before modern science discover it and informed the world that it has so many useful and good qualities that you can use for so many purposes.

It has so many qualities that cannot only heel your cracked hands heels cuticles, but it can actually keep them soft healthy and moisturized and it can heel all kind of wounds and can make any scar go easily , it has some vanishing properties too. It is not something that you cannot find in your local grocery store so just use it as a night hand cream and foot cream and never forget to use it after every hand wash to get permanent healthy soft dreamy hands and feet.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera plants can provide a less expensive treatment for cracked cuticles. Break off a piece of the plant and rub the exposed pulp over any distressed areas of skin. The plant's juice penetrates the skin, increasing the efficiency of the healing process.

Vitamin E Oil:

Vitamin E oil can also be used to take care of dried and cracked cuticles. Massage the oil over your cuticles and fingertips, on a daily basis. This will help you smoothen up your cracks and re hydrate your cuticles, thereby keeping them supple and moisturized.


It is another very brilliant and magical home remedy for your hands and all kind of skin help, you can use it for all kind of skin issues to see a result really soon. This strong anti-fungal, antibacterial natural thing can help you with acne and other skin issues too and at the same time it can be used for cracked cuticles, there are so many magical and miraculous vitamins and they can help your skin to produce natural oil in itself so you don’t need to apply anything externally.

Neem is also high in Vitamin E and other essential oils which can deal with bacteria and germs at the same time it fight with bad germs and infections too and you can use it for oily skin and dry hair and scalp issues too , you can use Neem in any form, you can buy gels, lotion or powder from or you can use the leaves and fruit of that tree and can make your own home made paste to use.

Cuticle Soak:

For a treatment specific to hangnails, give yourself a cuticle soak. Fill a shallow bowl with 1 pint warm water. Using the cap of your favorite bottle of body oil, pour a small amount of body oil into the bowl of warm water. Soak your fingertips for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse and pat dry. Clip the softened hangnails, and rub a moisturizing cream into the area around the cuticles.


Use lots of moisturizer. Cuticle moisturizers are easily available in local markets and particularly used for treating and taking care of damaged nails. They can be purchased in three different forms - wax, cream and oil based formulas and should be applied several times in a day. All you need to do is rub a small portion of the moisturizer on each of the cuticles and you will surely notice a huge difference within a couple of days.

Cotton Night Gloves: 

Use cotton night gloves for fixing cracked cuticles. Start by cleaning and moisturizing your hands, nails and cuticles and then slip on the cotton gloves. These gloves will prevent your hands from becoming dry throughout the night and will also help heat up the moisturizer, on your hands by trapping your body heat.

Balanced Food:

To prevent your cuticles from becoming damaged and unhealthy, it is crucial for you to have a proper diet, containing large amounts of Vitamin A, B, C, D and E. Besides this, zinc and calcium are also vital for maintaining healthy cuticles. Also, cut down on the food items that are high on alcohol, sugar and saturated fats.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Glow with Glycerin

Are you looking out to get a perfect skin with an inexpensive beauty ingredient? Then you should definitely have a stock of glycerin at home.

Skin care with glycerin is easy and you would get results too! Glycerin has wonderful cleansing, moisturizing, soothing and lubricating properties.That is why it is a main ingredient in many beauty products. It attracts water to the skin to restore suppleness.Hence it is very good for dry skin. Glycerin can be used at home in many ways because it's effective at breaking down oils and washing away toxins.It's great for sensitive skin because most people are not allergic to glycerin.

Using Glycerin is an effective remedy for moisturizing the skin and to cure various skin conditions.It is helpful in guarding against fine lines and wrinkles.One of the beauty benefits of glycerin is, it rejuvenates the skin and repairs damages skin cells. Glycerin can be used for skin care if you have acne. Apart from repairing damaged skin cells, glycerin fights acne and removes dead skin cells.

Find out how to save by making your own glycerin cosmetic solution.

Glycerin hair spray:

  • 1 part of pure vegetable glycerin 
  • 5 parts of water 
  • A few drops of your favorite essential oil 
Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well. Spritz on hair after showering.

Glycerin mask for a dry and dehydrated skin:
  • 1 tsp glycerin 
  • 1 tsp honey 
  • 2 tsp milk or water 
  • 1 tbsp oatmeal 
Mix well. Apply to clean face for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.

Glycerin Eye Makeup Remover:

Since glycerin has natural grease cutting properties, it is a perfect natural ingredient for a gentle make up remover.
  • 1 part glycerin 
  • 2 parts distilled water
Combine ingredients in a spray bottle. Shake well. Dispense on a cotton pad and dab on eyes.

Glycerin Lip Balm:

  • 1 tsp coconut oil 
  • 1 tsp vitamin E 
  • 1 tsp jojoba oil 
  • 1 tsp glycerin 
Melt together all ingredients in a small saucepan.Place the liquid mixture in a small container and allow it to cool overnight in the refrigerator.Apply on the lips to get soft lips.

Glycerin Hand Softener:
  • 2 egg yolks 
  • 5 Tbsp. glycerin 
  • 10 drops essential oil 
  • 3 Tbsp. coconut milk 
Whisk the ingredients together. Apply all over hands. Cover hands with plastic bag and let the solution sit for about ten minutes. Then, soak hands in warm water for another few minutes and rinse off the entire mixture.

Glycerin Lotion:
  • 1/4 cup Water
  • 2 tablespoons Glycerin
  • 1 teaspoon Spirits of Ammonia
  • 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
Pour all ingredients in a glass jar with tight cover.Cover and shake until well mixed and integrated.Spread a small amount of the lotion over your hands and gently massage it onto your skin.This is an excellent homemade treatment for nourishing and whitening skin.

You can Store this mixture in a cool, dark place. Shake before each use.

Glycerin Hair Conditioner:
  • 2 tsp. glycerin 
  • 2 tsp. olive oil 
  • 3 tsp. distilled water 
  • 8 tsp. grapefruit juice 
Combine the ingredients. Shake well. Shampoo your hair as normal. Condition with the glycerin mixture and rinse out.

Glycerin for Skin Care:
  • Glycerin is good for the skin as it acts as a toner. You can mix glycerin with rose water and wipe off your skin. This is a homemade toner for skin care.
  • Massaging your face with glycerin and honey helps tighten the skin and also prevent early signs of ageing. 
  • You can make a glycerin peel off face mask by mixing it with egg white and honey. It removes dead skin cells and also improves your complexion.
  • For effective skin care with glycerin, mix it with clay. This homemade face pack softens the skin and also brings a glow on the face.
  • To treat dry palms and feet, apply glycerin. You can mix it with honey to exfoliate the skin, remove dead skin cells and soften the skin.
  • If you sweat a lot and suffer from oily skin, apply glycerin with honey and milk. You can also add oatmeal and make a scrub. This removes sweat and excess oil from the skin.

Care for your skin and hair by using glycerin in your daily beauty routine.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Tips to cure Pigmentation & Age Spots

Dark spots and discolorations on the skin can be a difficult and embarrassing problem. Skin pigmentation, and age spots are hard to treat. Skin pigmentation is a condition wherein dark patches appear on the skin. Although not life threatening, it can be a detriment to self-esteem. There are varieties of causes behind skin pigmentation like over exposure to sun, stress, acne scars, fluctuating hormonal levels, or environmental elements such as pollution.

There are many treatments available in the market to tackle this problem. But, before opting for any chemical treatments, there is the possibility that a simple, natural home remedy may be just the solution you're looking for.

Dilute vinegar equally with water, and use it to cleanse and wash your face. Vinegar is capable of whitening and brightening, as well as making skin smoother and more radiant. It has also long been used for a skin softener. Apple cider or other natural vinegars are recommended, though some people use distilled white vinegar.

Mash avocados into a paste and apply on pigmented areas. Avocados help in skin rejuvenation and healing. These are especially good for treating hyper pigmentation.

Onion Juice:
To get onion juice, you can finely chop up an onion, or blend it, and squeeze the juice through a cheesecloth. Mix with equal part apple cider vinegar, apply twice daily with a cotton ball and watch for results over the next several weeks. Alternatively, you can cut a slice of onion, dip it in vinegar, and apply it to the pigmentation.

Natural home remedy using Tomato, Oatmeal and Yogurt: 
Crush 1 tomato. Press on a sieve and extract its juice. Add 2 tsp oatmeal and ½ tsp yogurt to it. Apply on the patches. Allow it to dry naturally. Leave it for 15-20 min. Wash off with lukewarm water. Do this every day to get desired results.

Guava & Banana Treatment:
Mix pulp of guava & banana and apply on face. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. Doing this everyday will remove all sorts of pigmentation. The Lycopene in guava treats darkening of skin due to exposure to sun and dark pigmentation. Banana exfoliates the skin and lightens pigments areas.

Lemon Juice:
Applying the juice of a fresh lemon to the pigmentation has a similar effect to the onion remedy - it is acidic and can safely peel off the top layer of skin, causing spots to fade. Onion, vinegar and lemon juice are excellent home remedies to relieve you of age spots, pigmentation and discoloration.

Cocoa Butter:
Smear cocoa butter on areas of pigmentation and massage deeply into the skin. Cocoa butter contains anti oxidant properties which helps in soothing and healing of the skin.

Tea Tree Oil & Olive Oil:

Combine 1 tbsp. tea tree oil with 2 tbsp. olive oil in a small container and shake or stir to combine. Gently massage a small amount of the mixture onto the affected area and leave it on until it dries. There is no need to rinse the skin or wash with soap unless it causes irritation or extreme redness. This is a good treatment for pigmentation on the skin and face.

Aloe Vera Gel:

Aloe vera gel is a highly effective natural home treatment for reducing hyper pigmentation and skin discolorations on face and body. To get rid of age spots, and freckles, apply fresh aloe vera gel to your face and neck once or twice daily for a few weeks. You can use aloe vera juice for the treatment of sunburn related problems like age spots, uneven skin tone, inflammation and tanned skin. Constant application of aloe vera remedy will fade or remove all kinds of discoloration, dark spots, and pigmentation on skin.

Almond & Milk Treatment:
Dry skin also leads to skin pigmentation and almonds are best to treat dry skin conditions. Soak almonds overnight. Remove the skin and make a paste with milk. Apply on the pigmented areas. Almonds contain natural fatty acids and nutrients that moisturize and nourish the skin.

Eucalyptus Essential Oil & Jojoba Oil:
Combine ½ tsp. eucalyptus essential oil with 4 tsp. jojoba oil in a small bottle or container and shake to combine. Gently massage a small amount of the mixture onto the affected area and leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing with clean water and washing with a mild cleanser. This treatment can be repeated daily unless it bothers your skin to help gets rid of pigmentation and dark spots on the face.

Natural home remedy using Turmeric Powder and Lemon Juice:
Take 1 tsp turmeric powder. Add 1 tsp lemon juice. Mix well. Apply on the affected area. Leave it for 15 min to dry. Wash off with cold water. Do not expose skin to the sun immediately after this. Application at bedtime is advisable to get the results.

Potato Treatment:
Potato is best for fading dark patches and skin discolorations fast. Potatoes include high amounts of catecholase, a potent skin lightening substance. Therefore potato can be used for reducing discolored face and dark pigmented skin. Potato slices may be kept over the face as it has a bleaching effect and it can lighten discolored skin patches. Do this natural homemade remedy on a regular basis to get rid of brown skin discoloration on face easily. A mixture of lemon and potato juice also helps fade blemishes and pigment marks on face and help even out the skin tone. Repeat this home treatment once a day for removing dark spots and blemishes from the facial skin fast.

Honey & Apple Cider Vinegar:
Combine 1 tbsp. honey and ½ tbsp. apple cider vinegar in a small bowl and whisk to combine. Massage a thick layer of the mixture onto the affected area and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse the skin with cool water and wash with a mild cleanser. This treatment can be repeated daily as long it does not bother your skin as a topical treatment for pigmentation and skin color abnormalities.

Castor Oil & Vitamin E:
Mixing castor oil & vitamin E and applying on affected areas leaves skin smooth and silky. This will slowly remove pigmented areas from the skin leaving it smooth and free from blemishes. Vitamin E helps in reviving the skin it’s lost glory.

Natural home remedy using Honey & Milk Powder:
Make a paste of one teaspoon each of honey, milk powder, lime juice and half a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply this to the darkened areas of the body. This will reduce the tan and also make the skin soft and smooth.

Pineapple Juice:

Applying pineapple juice helps remove dead cells, reduce skin pigmentation and reveal bright skin underneath. Cut a few pineapple slices and put it in a juicer. Use a cotton pad to apply pineapple juice on your skin. Wash off after 20 mins. Do this on a daily basis to get the desired results.

Papaya for Skin Pigmentation:
Grate Papaya and extract the juice of it. Apply on the pigmented area regularly and wait for a month to see the amazing results. The enzyme papain is used for skin exfoliation. Raw papaya treatment helps in regeneration of new skin cells thus removing the pigmented layers of the skin every time you do an exfoliation.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

"Wow! Nice Nails!"

Follow these simple tips to get strong, healthy and attractive nails.

  1. Apply Vaseline on your Nails regularly.This adds shine and keep your nails hydrated.
  2. Olive oil is considered the most important ingredient for nail care.Soak your finger tips in olive oil for 15 minutes.Wash your hands with warm water and wipe off with a towel to have those amazing nails.
  3. Dip a cotton ball in vegetable oil and massage it on your finger nails.This helps to improve circulation and retain moisture.Use this remedy during bed time to get best results.
  4. Squeeze a tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a cup of normal water and dip all your fingernails or toenails in this for a couple of minutes. Then thoroughly clean these with hot water and then use a moisturizer. This really is a helpful nail care tip to get rid of stains on your nails.
  5. Moisturize hands and nails regularly. The best time to apply moisturizer is after soaking the nails in warm water and patting dry.
  6. Dip a cotton ball in lemon juice and massage the nails.This will make the nail firm and radiant.
  7. Consume beetroot , iron and calcium loaded food for healthy nails.
  8. Do not apply nail polish often.Remove nail polish once in a while to provide some air to the cuticle.
  9. Don’t bite your nails as it will make your nails weak and eventually lead to breakage.
  10. Wear gloves when cleaning or gardening. Many household chemicals are harsh on your nails, and any rough activity exposes nails to breakage.
  11. Keep your nails short. Long nails tend to break easily.
  12. Avoid using nail polish remover more than once a week.
  13. Cut your nails after a shower or a bath.This helps in easy trim without cracking.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Natural Homemade Cream To Remove Stretch Marks Permanently

Remove Stretch Marks Permanently with this homemade natural remedy. It is very effective and efficient in getting the best desired result.

Ingredients needed:

1 tablespoon of Shea butter
1 tablespoon of beetroot juice
2 tablespoon of aloe Vera gel


1. Firstly take a beetroot, peel it off and then grade it. With the help of strainer, strain the juice out of it.

2. Now in a clean bowl take 1 tablespoon of Shea butter, 1 tablespoon of beetroot juice and 2 tablespoon of aloe Vera gel. Mix them well. And your stretch marks removal cream is now ready.

3. Store it in a clean container and you can store this for up to 3 months.

4. Now apply this cream regularly at night on affected areas and massage it till it gets completely absorbed in the skin.



•  Shea Butter contains nutrients that helps to stimulate the production of collagen fibers in the skin which is necessary to eliminate stretch marks.
• It also contains essential fatty acids that keeps the skin nourished and retain it moisture content. This in turn leaves the skin soft, supple, beautiful and moisturized.


• Beetroot juice helps to prevent premature aging and skin folding. It helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin leaving the skin with a youthful appearance.
• It also contains active agents that lighten the skin and improve the skin’s complexion. This is important to heal stretch marks leaving your entire body with an even complexion and tone which is beautiful and fair.


• Aloe Vera Gel makes the skin elastic.It also nourishes the skin, cleanses the skin and stimulates collagen production. The skin remains soft and therefore stretch marks do not appear if you use Aloe Vera Gel.

Friday, May 18, 2018

3 Easy Homemade Protein Treatments For Dry and Damaged Hair

Protein treatments are expensive at salons. Instead of buying those pricey treatments you can make your own easily at home. Homemade protein treatments are all natural and with frequent use you get a long lasting result.

Here are the 3 easy homemade protein treatments for dry and damaged hair :

Egg Mask :

Egg is the best source of protein for your hair. The yolk is rich in fat and protein which is extremely moisturizing. The white is full of bacteria eating enzymes which cleanses your hair and scalp. Use a full egg for normal to dry hair. For oily hair and scalp, use only whites. Egg alone or mixed with more protein rich ingredients can be applied to the hair. This treatment can be used every two weeks or monthly. Take one egg or two depending on the length and thickness of your hair. Beat until frothy and apply it your hair and scalp. Make sure all your hair is properly covered with egg. Cover with a shower cap and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and shampoo. If you find the smell of egg unpleasant, add a few drops of lemon juice.

Yogurt :

Dairy products like cream and yogurt contain Lactic acid which gently cleanses while fat moisturizes. Mix egg and yogurt for a deep conditioning protein treatment.

Simply, massage 3 tbsp sour cream or yogurt into your hair. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse and shampoo hair. You can apply this treatment every week.

Mayonnaise and Avocado:

Mayonnaise is made of oil and egg so it’s very moisturizing for your hair. The high-fat content of avocados makes hair less dry and prone to breakage. Mix two tbsp mayonnaise and half mashed avocado in a bowl until creamy. Apply this homemade conditioner through your hair concentrating on the ends. For even distribution, use a wide tooth comb.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Simple Ways To Get Rid Of Upper Lip Hair Naturally

Are you embarrassed because of unwanted upper lip hair? At the same time, do you want to avoid threading it, so you can skip the pain?

Take a look at these easy steps that you can try at home to get rid of unwanted upper lip hair.

Turmeric and Milk:

An age-old beauty remedy, turmeric cleanses your skin, beautifies it and leaves you with a natural glow. Milk works as a natural hydrator, and keeps your skin supple and moisturised
  • Take one tablespoon of turmeric and milk and mix them in a bowl 
  • Apply the mixture gently to your upper lip using your fingers 
  • Wait till it dries; gently rub the area with your fingers till the dried paste is removed completely. Rub in the direction opposite to your hair growth 
  • Wash off with cold water.

Turmeric and Water:

This combination works similar to the turmeric and milk paste.
  • Take equal amounts of turmeric and water in a bowl 
  • Mix them well and apply on your upper lip 
  • Leave it on for about half an hour 
  • Once it has dried, rub it gently with your fingers, in the direction opposite to that of the hair growth 
  • Continue doing this for four weeks.

Egg White: 
  • Take one egg white and mix it well with some corn flour and sugar 
  • Whisk the mixture until it forms a sticky paste 
  • Apply the paste onto the upper lip area 
  • Let it dry for about thirty minutes and then gently peel it off 
  • For best results, repeat twice a week. Within a month, you will notice that the hair growth has considerably reduced.

Chick Pea Flour:

Chick Pea flour works great to remove unwanted hair.
  • Take some chick pea flour and mix it well with turmeric and a little water 
  • Blend well till a thick paste is formed 
  • To this paste, add some fresh cream 
  • Apply this onto your upper lip and wait for it to dry 
  • Scrub it against the direction of your hair growth 


Sugar is popular ingredient used for painless waxing. It removes hair as well as prevents re-growth.
  • Take some sugar in a pan and heat it for a minute 
  • Add some fresh lime juice to the heated sugar 
  • Stir the mixture for a minute till a thick, dark liquid is formed 
  • Let it cool for a bit and apply it on the upper lip area 
  • Now take a piece of cloth and gently place it over the area 
  • Pull it quickly, acting in the direction against the hair growth

Lemon, Sugar And Water: 
  • Squeeze the juice of two lemons into a bowl 
  • Add some water and sugar and stir well until a thin paste is formed 
  • Once the paste is ready, apply it all over your upper lip 
  • Let it dry for fifteen minutes and then wash it off with water 

Almond Oil:

Heat some almond oil and apply it on your upper lip. This will not only lighten the skin but will also nourish the skin.

The above remedies for upper lip hair works gently and reduces the appearance of hair. It also reduces hair growth and eventually, removes upper lip hair completely. However, these remedies must be done regularly.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Milk Cream - Benefits for Skin and Hair

Milk cream was one of the main beauty ingredient during ancient times.Milk cream has all the necessary components that are required to enhance the facial beauty. It is a natural, inexpensive and safe home remedy for a beautiful skin.

How To Make Milk Cream At Home?

Firstly, take full-fat milk; the skimmed version cannot get enough milk cream. Next, boil the milk in one bowl, leave it to cool down for around 20-30 minutes. After that, collect the top layer with the help of a spoon. You can also refrigerate it for preparing face pack.

Like raw milk, milk cream shows exceptional advantages when applied to the skin.

Milk Cream for Dry and Dull Skin:

Milk cream works wonders for dry and dull skin. Apply generous amounts of milk cream on your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes. It’s the easiest and most effective way to nourish and hydrate your skin and leave it with a healthy glow.

Milk Cream for Lightening Skin Tone:

Milk cream is also great to lighten your skin to one certain extent because it contains lactic acid, which is one of the most popular alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) in skin care today. Mainly, the lactic acid present in it acts on your skin and helps remove tan. Daily use can improve the skin’s complexion.

Mix some milk cream with a little bit of saffron and leave it on your skin for half-an-hour. The potent combination of saffron and milk makes for an excellent, natural skin lightener and over time, shows visible results and give a very healthy glow to the skin naturally.

You can also use this in the night. Mix Saffron in milk cream and leave it overnight. In the morning blend the milk cream with fingers and apply on the face. A few drops of lemon juice may also be added.

Milk cream as an Exfoliant:

Milk cream can also be used as an exfoliant. Grind some breadcrumbs (or you can alternatively even use oats), mix them with equal parts of milk cream and grind it into a paste. Apply it all over your body and gently exfoliate to get rid of any dead skin that might be lurking on the surface. 

Milk cream and Walnut Powder Scrub:

Mix 2 tsp Walnut powder, 1 tsp milk cream, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp lemon juice n a bowl and make a paste.Scrub your face with the face mask and leave it for 20 minutes. Scrub again and wash with lukewarm water. This face mask will scrub your face and remove all the dirt and dead cells from the skin and make it glowing.

Milk cream face pack for Glowing Skin:

Mix milk cream, sandalwood or turmeric powder, rose oil and honey in required quantity in one bowl. Topically apply this mixture to prewashed skin or face.After leaving it for about 15 minutes wash or wipe it off with water.Regular application of this face pack softens your skin, fends off acne causing bacteria, reduces wrinkles and boosts healthy skin.

Milk cream and Olive Oil:

Olive oil is loaded with anti-aging properties that can boost skin’s elasticity. Also, impurities piled over the face cause wrinkles and dryness. Milk cream to a little extent wipes those impurities and helps in efficient functioning of your skin.

Take fresh milk cream (2 tablespoons), and next add few olive oil drops.Now apply this face pack on the face as well as over the neck.Finally, rinse it off after fifteen minutes.

Milk cream as an Hair Conditioner:

Did you know that milk cream can be used as a hair conditioner? Obviously if it’s that beneficial for the skin, milk cream can also work wonders for your hair. After you’re done shampooing, apply milk cream on your hair the same way you would conditioner. Ensure that you steer clear of your scalp since it can be a tad tricky to get cream off there. This helps to condition dry hair and get rid of the frizz.

Friday, May 11, 2018

DIY Strawberry Face Mask For Brighter Skin

Strawberry season has started and is all around the corner. In many places, strawberry picking is in full swing where you can go to the farm and pick out some fresh strawberries for a price that is cheaper than you pay in the market.

So why not just use these fresh and natural strawberry for a refreshing skin care treatment at home, which will leave your skin feeling shiny, rejuvenating and glowing.

If you want to lighten blemishes, reduce the appearance of pimple scars, brighten your skin tone and deep-cleanse your pores, this strawberry face mask is exactly what you need!


  • 2 – 3 mashed strawberries (ripe)
  • 2 teaspoons plain yogurt
  • 2 teaspoon organic honey


1. Gather all the ingredients you need for this strawberry facial. Wash the strawberries and cut off their leaves. Puree the strawberries in a food processor, or mash with fork before use.

2. Add all the ingredients in a small bowl and mix thoroughly.

3. Make the mask smooth and well-mixed for easier application.

4. With clean fingers, apply this mask on your face. Leave this face mask on until it actually starts to dry.

5. Wash off with warm water.

If you have left overs of the mask, you can safely store in the refrigerator for up to a week.

Benefits of  This Strawberry Face Mask:
Strawberry contains high levels of salicylic acid, which is widely available in chemical form for the treatment of acne. Strawberry is rich in antioxidants, and other nutrients which can brighten your skin, exfoliate dead skin cells, fade blemishes and nourish your skin for that healthy glowing look.

The goodness of natural yogurt & honey, an ancient super food, work with the elements in the strawberry to give you skin that looks bright, refreshed and more youthful.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

2 Ingredient Simple Hair Rinse for Glossy and Shiny Hair

Give your hair some natural love with this simple Hair rinse solution that will require only 2 ingredients to make it.

Preparing the Hair Rinse Solution:

1. For making this hair rinse product, first of all, add one cup of uncooked rice in a bowl. Wash the rice thoroughly and drain the water.

2. Then add about 500 ml of plain water to the rice and leave it for 2 - 3 hours. This will make the rice water fermented and will allow enough time for the water to absorb the qualities of rice.
If you soak the rice for more than 3 hours, the rice water may smell bad because it gets fermented.But it is still completely okay to smell like that.

3.After 3 hours, grind the rice with your hands for sometime and then strain the rice water to a different bowl.

4. Now add 4-6 teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar to the rice water. If you do not have apple cider vinegar, you can add 4-6 teaspoon of lemon juice to the rice water.

5. Now your hair rinse solution is ready

How to use the Solution to your hair:

Before using the product, do a bit of oiling in your scalp. Thoroughly massage the scalp for 5-10 minutes. You can use any oil of your choice.

After an hour of oiling, wash you hair with any shampoo of your choice. After washing your hair properly, lastly use the hair rinse solution to finally wash your hair.

Use this hair rinse technique at least 2- 3 times in a week to get the desired results.

Rice water has a carbohydrate called inositol which repairs the damaged hair. It also has amino acids which strengthens the hair roots and increase the hair volume and also makes the hair smooth and shiny.

Apple cider vinegar has acetic acid which helps to remove the residue of the hair care products that builds up in your scalp. It also acts like a conditioner and makes the hair soft and shiny.

Friday, May 4, 2018

DIY Clarified Butter Face Pack for Glowing Skin

Clarified Butter which is made from cow's milk, is considered to be a natural nourishing ingredient which can help you in getting a soft and supple skin. Clarified Butter is known to be suitable for all skin types and it also has vital fatty acids that help in hydration of the skin cells. It is also known to be one of the best organic anti-ageing ingredient.

Here's how you can use Clarified Butter for skin care.

To make a Clarified Butter pack for your skin, follow these steps:

2 tablespoon of Clarified Butter
2 tablespoon of Chickpea Flour or Organic Turmeric Powder
Water (according to the consistency)


1. Take a bowl and add Chickpea Flour or Turmeric Powder with water.

2. Add Clarified Butter and stir the mixture thoroughly. Make sure that the consistency is firm but not dry. If you find the mixture too watery then add Chickpea Flour or Turmeric Powder to it.

3. Mix the paste well and apply it on your face.

4. Leave it for 15-20 mins and then rinse with luke warm water. Scrub gently and wash it off.

For best results, use this face pack atleast twice a week for a glowing and hydrated skin.

Tip: You can even add 2-3 drops of rose water to it as well.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Overnight Face Masks for Healthy Glowing Skin

Wake up with Healthy Glowing Skin with these 6 overnight face masks.

1. Honey and Oatmeal:

Start with mixing two tablespoons each of honey and oatmeal. Add a few drops of rosewater (optional) to this paste and apply it overnight. Scrub off this mask in the morning and rinse it with lukewarm water. Oatmeal is a natural exfoliate that removes dead cells and honey helps to deep moisturize you skin. This beauty mask can work wonders for oily and acne prone skin, and should be applied twice a week.

2. Almond Oil:

This one is super simple and effective, and is recommended for dry to normal skin type. Before crashing on your bed, massage almond oil on your skin in circular motion. It’s loaded with vitamin E that helps to nourish your skin to the core, reduces dark circles, sun tan, heals chapped lips and even reduces signs of aging. Plus, it’s a great substitute for hand and foot creams. 

3. Aloe Vera:

For those with combination or oily skin, all you need is an aloe vera plant at home or gel on your bedside to take care of your skin issues. Mix it with a few drops of rose water and apply a thin layer of this potion every day before sleeping. Aloe vera help to soothe sun burn, reduces acne scars, moisturizes and brighten up the skin.

4. Green Tea and Potato Juice:

Brew one or two tea bags of green tea for about 10 minutes and let this water cool. Mix a tablespoon each of this green tea water and potato juice, and apply it over your face before sleeping. This magic potion helps to reduce pigmentation, sun tan, and clear pores. Plus, it also works on dark circles, puffed eyes and helps to even the skin tone.

5. Yogurt and Honey:

All you need to do is add a tablespoon each of honey and yogurt, and apply this paste overnight. Yogurt contains lactic acid that works on your dead skin cells and prevents breakouts. Honey helps to nourish your skin and gives you a natural glow.

6. Cucumber and Olive Oil:

Take two tablespoons of cucumber juice and mix it with a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply this mask overnight and wash it off with cold water next morning. Cucumber has cooling properties that soothes skin irritations, and helps to restore the natural pH balance of skin. On the other hand, olive oil helps hydrate the skin and makes it supple.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Honey and Flax seed Anti-Ageing Face Pack

Here is something that you can use to reduce the signs of ageing and the best part is that you can make it easily at home. Try this homemade honey and flax seed anti-ageing face pack.

Things you’ll need:
  • Honey
  • Ground flaxseeds
  • Yogurt

How to prepare it :
  • Grind half a teaspoon of flaxseeds
  • Mix it in 1-2 teaspoons of honey.
  • Add this mixture to a cup of yogurt.
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly

How to use it:
  • Apply this mixture all over your face and neck.
  • Keep the mask on your face for around 30 minutes.
  • Wash it off with cold water once the 30 minutes have passed.

Yogurt dissolves dead skin cells and provides moisturizer to your skin, making it look brighter. Honey, being a natural exfoliate, kills dead skin cells and makes the skin glow at the same time. Flax seeds provide gentle exfoliation.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Effective Home Remedies to Remove Sun Tan

Summers can be so much fun! Basking under the Sun on the beaches, fishing, or simply having fun with friends in the warm and sunny weather. But unfortunately, the undesirable result is visible within a few days – a tanned skin.

Here are some of the most popular and effective home remedies and methods to remove that horrid sun tan.

You can apply these natural packs to get rid of the tan from your face, arms, hands, neck, back and feet the natural way. These age old home treatments need at least a week of regular use to obtain noticeable results against the tan and to get your natural colour back.

A mixture of lemon juice, rose water and cucumber juice should be applied on the face as a face pack. Lemon juice is citric acid that helps remove the tan and the cucumber and rose water are cooling agents.

Mixing together some honey and lemon juice and applying it on the affected area can be one of the best anti tan pack mixtures.

Preparing a paste of some raw milk, turmeric and some lemon juice. This mixture should then be applied on the skin and be allowed to remain till it dries up. Thereafter, it should be washed with some cool water.

Prepare a mixture of oats and buttermilk. This mixture should be rubbed onto the tanned area as the oats will help in exfoliating the skin and on the other hand the butter milk is known to be extremely soothing for the skin.

Mixing together some gram flour, lime juice and some curd on the affected area on a regular basis gives best results against tanning.

Applying some fresh lemon juice and allowing it to remain for at least 15 minutes on the elbows, knees or patchy areas helps remove the tan and making it fair.

A regular use of fresh coconut water on the hands and face is known to be very effective in getting rid of a tan as well as making the skin supple and soft.

Aloe Vera gel is an excellent remedy for taking care of dark tans. It will lighten the skin in as little as a week, if applied everyday to the affected area. However, aloe has the property of making your skin photosynthetic and can darken it if you go out in the sun without sunscreen lotion. This makes it important to remember to use sunscreen every time you go out.

A cream with equal parts of milk powder, lemon juice, honey and almond oil can be applied and left on for 20 minutes. This will help lighten your tan. You can store this for about a week and use it thrice daily for best results.

Apply a paste made with turmeric powder and lime juice thrice a week. This will lighten the skin colour considerably and remove the tan.

 Soak almonds overnight and grind them into a fine paste the next morning. Add equal quantities of milk cream to the paste and apply on the affected area to make the skin fair.

Apply a paste of oatmeal, yogurt, a few drops of lime and tomato juice. Wash this with cold water after half an hour and see the difference.

Mash the papaya pulp and massage the sun tanned area. Papaya is excellent for the skin and also helps in anti-aging.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Dark Neck

Are there effective ways to get rid of dark neck skin? Dark neck is a very common problem. It comes in forms of black lines, dark spots, creases or patches making your skin look dirty and unattractive.

Here is how to get rid of dark neck, black spots and skin pigmentation fast, naturally and permanently.

1. Make Daily Care Routine to Get Rid of Dark Neck

It is very essential to cleanse and exfoliate neck skin every day just as we do with our faces. When we neglect neck while pampering face, this results in patchy dark skin. So follow this daily care routine for getting rid of dark neck.

  • Take milk and rub your neck with it. Milk is an excellent cleanser and a toner too.
  • After cleansing, use a scrub, preferably natural one, to exfoliate the skin around your neck.
  • You may mix olive oil with sugar and rub gently to scrub your neck.
  • Sometimes use another scrub having bleaching agent such as lemon juice. You will find many scrubs here in this article that you can use for daily exfoliation.
  • After exfoliating, wash off with water and apply some moisturizer.
  • Whenever you go out, apply sunscreen to your neck along with your face. This will avoid pigmentation.
  • Never step out in sun when you apply lemon juice on your skin. This will make your neck darker than before.

If you follow the above neck care regime daily, you will begin seeing result in a two week’s time. However, do not stop and continue cleansing, scrubbing and moisturizing your skin.

2. Lemon Bleach for Lightening Dark Neck Skin

Lemon, the very common ingredient found in your kitchen, has amazing bleaching properties due to the natural citric acid present in it.

You will need:
• Lemon juice (squeezed from fresh lemon) -1 teaspoon
• Rose water – 1 teaspoon

• Mix lemon juice and rose water.
• Apply this mixture gently on your dark neck before going to bed at night.
• Leave it overnight.
• In the morning, wash your neck with water.

You can even store lemon juice- rose water mix in a bottle. Mix both the ingredients in equal amounts and then store. Apply whatever amount is required every night on your dark skin. Do it for at least one month to see your neck get whitened.

3. Oats – Natural Scrub and Mask for Dark Neck

Oats is not only good for your overall health but also for your patchy dark neck. As we do not pay more attention towards cleaning our necks while doing every thing for our face- from cleansing, scrubbing, moisturizing and what not – our neck gets dirty with the oil and fine grit deposits. This makes it look patchy and dark. Oats can be used as a scrub as well as a mask for dark neck when mixed with certain other skin lightening ingredients.

You will need:
• Oats – ground it coarsely, do not make fine powder out of it
• Tomato pulp
• Water
• Moisturizer

• Take the coarsely ground oats powder.
• Mix tomato pulp to it to get a paste like consistency.
• Apply this mixture to your entire neck region.
• Leave it for about 15-20 minutes.
• Now wet your fingers a littles and start rubbing your neck gently in circular motions. The coarse oats will have an exfoliating effect to remove dead skin cells from your dark neck.
• After scrubbing your neck with this natural oats scrub for about 5-7 minutes, wash off with water.
• Apply some moisturizer on neck and massage gently.
You may use this scrub twice or even thrice in a week depending upon the intensity of dark patchy skin on your neck. While oats will remove dirt and dead cells, tomato pulp will lighten the skin due to its natural bleaching properties.

4. Baking Soda for Exfoliating Neck with Hyper-pigmentation
Just as oats, baking soda too is a good natural exfoliant for removing patchy skin due to hyper-pigmentation.

You will need:
• Baking soda
• Water

• Mix baking soda with water
• Apply the paste on your neck
• Leave for about 15 minutes
• Wash off with water

5. Soothe Your Neck with Cucumber

This is a cool way to brighten your dark neck. Th all soothing cucumber when applied on your neck, not only exfoliates the skin but also grant it a natural glow to match your facial spark.

You will need:
• Grated cucumber (its preferred but you can also use cucumber juice)
• Rose water

• Take the grated cucumber and apply it on your neck.
• Leave for about 10 minutes.
• Gently rub the neck with cucumber on it as if you are scrubbing.
• Wash off and apply some rose water.
• If using cucumber juice, just apply on neck with a cotton ball and leave for 15-20 minutes.
• Wash off and apply some rose water.

6. Yogurt for Age Spots on Dark Neck

If your neck looks dark due to age spots, you may like to take help of yogurt. Yogurt is a good cleanser for skin. Also the acid present in it helps in lightening dark skin. When mixed with lime juice, the bleaching effect increases and your dark neck whitens fast. However, you can always omit adding lemon and apply plain yogurt to your neck and leave it for about 15 minutes before washing off with water. 

Here are some of the combinations that you can use with yogurt to brighten your dark neck.
  • Make a pack with yogurt and turmeric, apply and leave for 15 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water.
  • Mix yogurt with lemon juice, apply and wash after 15 minutes.
  • Add fresh milk cream with yogurt. Apply it on your neck and massage gently for 5 minutes. Then wash of with a milk soap. It’s better if you use lukewarm water with lime juice in it to wash the yogurt-cream mix instead of soap.
All or any of these packs can be used twice or even thrice a week. Yogurt tightens your skin along with diminishing the fine lines there. The bright younger looking neck gives you greater confidence in turn!

7. Powerful Bleaching with Potato Juice

The bleaching agents in potato is a good home treatment for dark neck skin. There is an enzyme called catecholase in potato which helps in lightening the skin color of your neck. It also cures your blemishes if any. 

Here are some ways in which to use potato remedy for dark neck.
  • Cut round slices of a cold potato and rub them on your neck daily for 5-10 minutes. Do this for at least 2-3 months.
  • For faster results, add lemon juice to potato juice and apply this mixture on your neck. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash off with water.
  • You can even apply grated potato or potato juice without adding anything. Leave this on your neck for sometime before washing off.

8. Fruit Masks for Dark Neck Whitening

Fruit masks made with such ingredients as banana, apple, orange, papaya, avocado etc. work well when it comes to dark neck home cure. They are rich with natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes that can make your neck look whiter than ever. Here are some such wonderful fruit masks for you.

Banana Mask

You will need:
• Ripe banana
• Olive oil

• Mash the banana with hands to get pulp like consistency.
• Add olive oil to it and mix well.
• Apply this mask on your neck and leave for 15 minutes.
• Wash off with water.
This banana and olive oil mask packed with goodness of fine anti oxidants will make your fine lines vanish from the neck and will give you a healthy glowing skin.

Strawberry Papaya Mask

You will need:
• Mashed Papaya pulp – 1-2 tablespoons
• Strawberries- 2

• Crush the strawberries
• Add the crushed strawberries to papaya pulp.
• Apply the mix onto your neck.
• Leave it for about 10 minutes.
• Wash off with water.
The vitamins and minerals of these fruits are great for nourishing your skin cells. While the enzyme called papain present in papaya removes the dead skin cells, the antioxidants of strawberries repair the damaged skin faster.

Raw Papaya Mask

You will need:
• Raw papaya
• Water

• Grate the raw papaya.
• Using a fine cloth or sieve, squeeze out the juice from the grated papaya. If needed, you can add a little water to facilitate squeezing out the juice.
• Apply this juice on your neck and leave for 20 minutes.
• Wash off.
The enzymes found in papaya help generate new skin cells thus giving your dull skin of neck a new glow. Apply this mask on daily basis for a month or so.

Orange Peel Mask

You will need:
• Dried Orange Peel (always dry the peel in shade and never in sun)
• Milk

• Grind the dried orange peel to obtain its powder.
• Mix the orange peel powder with milk to get a paste like consistency.
• Apply the mask on your neck.
• Leave for 15-20 minutes.
• Wash off with water.
The vitamin C and anti oxidants of orange are a wonderful treat for your skin and so is it’s bleaching properties. Milk works as a natural cleanser to give you a glowing skin in place of dark neck.

9. Dry Fruits Make Great Scrubbers for Dark Neck

Why only fruits, even dry fruits are a great remedy for getting a light skin tone on your neck. Almonds and walnuts both can be used to make scrubs for your neck.
Walnut Scrub

You will need:
• Walnuts
• Milk

• Grind the walnuts coarsely. Do not make a powder of it, keep it coarse so that it can exfoliate your skin.
• Add milk to the coarse walnut to make a paste.
• Apply it on your neck, leave for 10 minutes.
• Now gently rub with your fingers as if you are scrubbing your neck. Do it for 5-7 minutes.
• Wash off with water.
Repeat for two to four times a week to get the real benefits from one of the best cleansing methods. The vitamins and zinc of walnut nourishes your skin while milk acts as a fine cleansing medium.

Almond Mask

You will need:
• Almonds
• Milk Powder
• Honey

• Make a powder of almonds by grinding them.
• Mix milk powder and honey, mix well to make a paste.
• Apply the paste on neck
• Leave for half an hour.
• Wash off with water.
The vitamins in almonds give a new life to the skin and the oil in it acts as a moisturizer to give you a soft supple skin.

10. Chickpea- Another Good Scrubber for Dark Neck

The dullness of neck region can be treated excellently with the help of chick pea flour which is yet another very good scrubber for your dark neck. Make this scrub to bring glowing life to your neck skin.

You will need:
• Chickpea flour – 1 tablespoon
• Turmeric- a pinch or two of it
• Water

• Take the chickpea flour.
• Mix turmeric and water to make a paste.
• Apply to your neck.
• Leave for about half an hour or till it dries up.
• Wash with lukewarm water.
If you have really dry skin, you may also add some fresh cream to this mix to moisturize your skin. While chickpea cleanses your skin, turmeric lightens it up to remove the darkness of the region.

11. Aloe Vera for Neck Pigmentation
Those having dark neck with pigmentation can use aloe vera gel which is one of the best cleanser for skin. Just apply the gel, if possible daily, for sometime on your neck. Sit back for a few minutes and wash off. Aloe Vera not only diminishes the spots but also lighten the skin tone of your neck. Rich in antioxidants and other beneficial natural compounds, this gel assists greatly in repairing and producing new skin cells.

12. Rice Starch Massage

There is yet another way to reduce the dark spots on your neck and this is through the rice water or rice starch.
You will need:
• Rice- 1 cup
• Water- 2 cups

• Add rice in water.
• When the rice boils, put off the flame. You may like to boil the rice till the point when it is cooked enough to be eaten. You certainly don’t want to waste the rice.
• Use a strainer to separate the rice and the water in which it was boiling.
• Let the water (it is in fact the starch) cool down.
• When the rice starch is just warm enough to handle, rub your neck with it gently scrubbing the region.
• It’s better if you do this massage for about 10 minutes before taking bath.

13. Use Natural Oils for Lightening Dark Neck

Natural oils with their abundant natural compounds help in nourishing and rejuvenating your skin. They are also fine moisturizing agents. Certain oils like almond oil, olive oil and coconut oil are particularly beneficial when it comes to removing darkness from you neck. Almond oil, for example, removes the dead skin layer responsible for causing dark neck. Vitamin E oil is even recommended by doctors to help you in many skin problems. 

Here is how you can use some of these oils to get rid of your dark neck.

  • Heat some almond oil and massage with this warm oil for about 5 minutes.
  • You can even mix almond oil with Vitamin E oil. First heat the almond oil then mix Vitamin E oil to it. Gently massage your neck with the mix for about 10 minutes and then wash off with water. If needed, use lukewarm water to wash off.Almond oil can also be mixed with olive oil and coconut oil for greater and faster result. Apply such an oil mixture to your neck before going to bed for deeply moisturizing the skin.
  • When using coconut oil alone, you may like to mix it in little amount with a little water. This is done because coconut oil is considered to be a heavy oil. Massage with oil mixed with water gently and then wash off.
Some of the other oils that you can use for moisturizing and getting glowing neck in place of dark neck include olive oil, chamomile oil, eucalyptus oil and rose oil.

14. Milk Cream for Glowing Neck

Milk, as mentioned earlier, is a great cleanser and the cream of milk is a great moisturize. You can either use the cream alone or combine it with variety of ingredients to get most out of it.

  • Mix yogurt with fresh cream and gently massage your neck daily with the mixture. Wash off with warm water or a mild soap.
  • Rub your neck with fresh cream and then wash off with warm water.
  • Mix gram flour with fresh cream and rub your neck gently. This is a very good scrub to exfoliate your neck as well as to moisturize it. Wash of with warm water.
  • Add a pinch of turmeric to cream and rub your neck with it. Great remedy for a glowing skin around your neck and to get rid of dark neck.