Thursday, January 4, 2018

DIY Organic Beetroot Lipbalm

Soft Pink lips are often looked as a symbol of sensuality and attractiveness.Plump and pink beetroot is one of the most inexpensive home remedies to get pink lips naturally.The coloring pigments betanin and vulgaxanthin in beets acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that helps lighten the dark pigmentation or discoloration in your lips and protects the lips from sun damage.The amazing staining power of this blood-like juice gives your lips a natural reddish-pink color.

Here's a simplest secret to make your own lip balm with the unbeatable beets.

Things you need:

Beetroot, Coconut oil

Lip Balm Preparation:

Wash and grate 1 fresh beetroot.

Extract the juice from the grated beetroot and pour it into a small bowl.

Add 1 teaspoon coconut oil to 6 spoons of beet extract and blend well using a wooden spatula.

Keep it in the refrigerator until it solidifies.Remember to store this in refrigerator if you are not using it on a regular basis, as natural ingredients tend to get oxidized easily on exposure to air.

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