Thursday, February 22, 2018

Cure Cracked Heals

Here is an easiest way to cure cracked heels super fast without any side effect and in just few days your heels will look beautiful again

Step 1 – Warm water treatment

You will need:

Luke warm water
2 spoon baking soda
Pumice stone
2 spoon salt

In a tub take luke warm water
Add baking soda and salt
Mix it
Soak your feet in this water for 15 minutes
After 15-20 minutes pat dry your feet and rub it gently with pumice stone to remove dead skin layer

Step 2 – Scrub

You will need:

2 spoon oil

In a bowl take 2 spoon oil and add 1 spoon sugar
Your scrub is ready
Rub your feet and heels smoothly with this for 5 -10 minutes
Wash them with plain water

Step 3 – Moisturizer

You will need:

Some candle

In a steep bowl take 2 spoon oil, add a small piece of candle
Put this in hot water so it will melt
Now let it cool, your foot cream is ready
Apply this cream all over your feet bottom, cover them with socks and go to sleep then you will see the magic.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Home Remedy for Younger Looking Skin

Try this effective remedy to get your younger look back. This will tight your skin and will remove all wrinkles from your skin. This is 100% natural and there is no side effects.

For this remedy you will need

Milk – 3 spoon
Olive oil – 1 spoon
Honey – 1 spoon
Rose Water.

Take a clean bowl.
To this add milk, Add olive oil and mix it.
Now to this mixture, add 1 spoon of Honey and mix it.
At last add 1/2 spoon rose water.
Apply this on your face before bath and leave it for at least 15 minutes

Do this remedy at least 3 times in a week for best results.